Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I took Tyler berry picking.
It was a gamble, that I knew going in. I'd either get a very helpful kid who loved it, or a kid who was ready to go home before the first raspberry hit the bucket.
Luck must have been on my side, because Tyler had a fantastic time!
We picked berries for about 2 hours. Tyler helped for almost the entire time we were there. I have to admit, there was a black lab farm dog who attached right on to Tyler, and visa versa. The two did not leave each other's side. It was cute. They both played so well together - and I think the dog liked that Tyler would give him berries. Tyler even shared his water with the dog (ever seen a dog drink for a sippy Nalgene cup?). Gosh I wish I had my camera, it was one of the cutest-funniest things I'd ever seen.
Anyway, the berries are great. All frozen away for the winter.
I wonder if my husband would be up for getting a dog? Ha ha - if you know my husband, that had to make you laugh!
Posted by Jennymae at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Ultimate Fight
No one likes to hear that word. Chances are you know someone that has had cancer, or that currently has it. There's even a chance it's someone in your family, or a close friend. I have heard over the past few years of way too many people I care about, who have the C word.
Cancer is unforgiving. It takes everything out of a person. If they choose treatment, the treatment often times can be worse than the cancer itself. If you choose not to have treatment, you will start to hear words like "end stage 4." Never what you want to hear.
Cancer does not tire, it does not give up, it does not need rest and takes it's energy from it's host.
I've decided that I hate cancer. I know, it's a strong word, and not one to be used lightly, but I'm tired of cancer.
I'm tired of what it does to strong people who fight it, who loose the struggle, and ultimately give in to it's relentless domination to win.
I'm tired of what it does to the loved ones who help care for those trying to fight the terrible disease.
I'm tired of watching people I know and love suffer because of it.
I'm tired of the heartache it brings to families that are torn apart because of it.
I'm tired of the sorrow and tears it continues to bring to my life and the life of my family.
Until a cure is found, may we embrace the life we have and enjoy our loved ones. May the number of cancer survivors increase daily, and may the ones who loose the battle, know they have fought the ultimate fight.
Posted by Jennymae at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Posted by Jennymae at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Posted by Jennymae at 9:53 PM 0 comments
I'm addicted to the Wii, I will admit that.
Then came along Wii fit. Now I am more addicted than before, but I am sore in places that I didn't know muscles existed. The hoola-hooping rocks! I cannot believe I'm 35 years old and constantly playing video games. I guess to my defense, it is exercise (please tell me it is)!!!!!!
Tyler played in the dirt a lot today - I don't know what it is about little boys, but they seems to have a lot of fun getting dirty. No gloves necessary to work in the garden, but my fingers. Just when I thought Tyler couldn't surprise me anymore, he started picking carrots out of our garden this morning and eating them, dirt and all. It made me laugh - for about 10 seconds...then I talked him into washing the carrots off first. He washed them off in a mud bath he had made in the garden. Boys will be boys.
The funny part (at least to me) came when I took the carrots inside and gave them to him with lunch. They were cleaned up, the green stems trimmed off. He said he didn't like these carrots because they were clean. Go figure?
Thanks Krista for letting me know Laurel took those pictures at our wedding - mystery solved!
I watched one of my favorite shows on TV tonight - Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations." He was on a tour in Saudi Arabia tonight. It's always fun to learn about different countries, customs and culture, but after watching that show, I have to say that I don't really have any desire to visit. Probably one of the few places in the world I do not want to go - and for fairly obvious reasons, which I won't go into detail tonight. The world is a much different place than it use to be before 9.11....
Ok - off to catch up on some emails!
Posted by Jennymae at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Jeff and Megan - I love this picture of you two!
Posted by Jennymae at 9:56 PM 1 comments
I love reading other peoples blogs. Not to say that I'm a blog junkie or anything that extreme, but it's just so fun to see what's happening with friends and family. After reading a couple of friends blogs, I'm thinking I need to write way more on my blog. I always have good intentions of posting more thoughts, it just seems as if I never get around to doing it.
Well here I am tonight, so I guess I will catch you up on our latest.
Eric and I have had almost 2 weeks off work together. Dreamy, dreamy, dreamy! We have not had time off together since last November, so we have really been enjoying this time.
We made a 4 day trip to the beach with the kids which was awesome. We really didn't take too many pictures, so unfortunately, I don't really have any to post. Whoops.
Chloe was able to bring her BFF Morgan along for the trip, which was super fun for the girls. They were like 2 peas in a pod. So fun to see Chloe with her friends - it's an entirely different side of her :)
Eric went crabbing on day with Guy - they caught like 24 crab. We had a LOT of crab at the beach and a LOT of crab when we came home from the beach. Nice work on catching us all those crabs boys, delicious!
Once we returned from the beach, we just kind of hung out at home and did some much needed projects around the house. We slept in every day, stayed up late and watched movies, took naps and enjoyed our time. It was awesome.
We also celebrated Eric's birthday on Thursday the 17th. Yep, my hubby is 38! Where does the time go? We met Eric's sister Krista at Todai (an all you can eat sushi/Japanese food buffet) for his lunch. Talk about great food. Yumm-o! Ate way too much, but it was worth it. We don't go out to eat that often, so this was really fun. We had a small family party for Eric on Friday night which was good times.
I was able to get together with one of my lifelong friends Signe on Saturday. She was in Portland for the day and we met up for lunch. What a fun time. It's great to have friends that you have had your entire life - seriously, I've known her since I was 5. We always pick right up where we left off. Just being able to have a couple of hours together was so much fun! Signe is getting married in August and I can't wait for her wedding, it will be a blast!
That about wraps it up for our vacation - Eric went back to work today. I'll be back on Wednesday. It's just amazing what a few days away from work can do :)
The kids are doing well. Tyler is Tyler - an endless bouncing ball of nothing but pure energy. I'm pretty sure he could outlast the energizer bunny, given the chance.
Chloe has braces now. Not sure if I mentioned that before or not? She is enjoying her summer - hanging out with friends, talking on the phone, listening to music on her i-pod, shopping, playing video games, and all the other things that pre-teens do. All I know is that she has to be the world perfect child. She's always such a pleasure to be with. Thank goodness for Miss Chloe - otherwise I would always be out-numbered!
Oh- this is random. We were cleaning out some boxes in the garage and I found a CD that said 7.12.03. I was like, oh, that's the day we were married. I put it in our computer and wow - tons of wedding pictures I had never seen. It was a happy surprise. I have no idea who the pictures came from and I don't even recognize the handwriting on the CD. I should post a few of them - they are old, but there are some really cool pictures on there.
Ok, I think that'll about do it for now! It's almost my bedtime :P
Posted by Jennymae at 9:27 PM 1 comments