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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Revisiting St Elmos Fire

Remember the classic 1985 movie St. Elmos Fire? Love that movie. It has so many good life lessons in it, seriously!

In the movie Andrew McCarthy (he played a guy named Kevin) was searching for the meaning of life. For everyone, it was just 1 thing - and he was trying to figure his out.

I think to some extent, we have all at one point in time all felt this way. We are all searching for that one thing that makes our life. For some it is a passionate hobby, for others a career they have dreamed of since they were little. For me, it is my family.

I was recently talking with my Mom (who has become so wise to me in recent years). My Mom is retiring at the end of this school year. She had mentioned to me that she was going to be able to have more time to spend with her family, and that nothing was more important to her than her family, because they came first.

All of the sudden it just kind of hit me, "she is right." It's something that I have known all along, but sometimes things that are right in front of you have a way of blinding your vision.

My Mom has taught me many great things, one of which is that your children always come first. I always felt (and I'm sure that my brothers would agree) that we always came first in our parents lives. I hope that this is something that Tyler and Chloe will feel when they are adults as well.

Just because your children are grown, does not mean that you stop being a parent. Adult children need their parents just as much as younger ones do, just in different ways. I thank my parents for continuing to be a positive influence in my life. For always setting the example, for the enormous amount of integrity that they posses, and for loving me for who I am.

No matter how old your children are, try to set an example for them. If you have an argument, try to mend bridges, don't dwell on the negative. Look toward the future, respect the person they are, care for them and love them. Life is too short not to.

Be the parent.

Being the parent is the hardest job in the world, but the rewards you receive are unmeasurable.


Mary said...

I don't think I've seen the movie. I must put it on my Blockbuster list. What a great post. Every word so true.