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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

216 weeks

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

215 weeks

Welcome to pit row...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to school

Back to school means back to catching colds - YUCK! Tyler came down with a cold after his first day back at school - and it's the back to school combo, a cough and a cold! Poor kid! Just keeping our fingers crossed that no one else in the house gets it!

214 weeks

Sick day...

Monday, September 15, 2008


Today was the first day of preschool, Tyler's second year. This year, he is in the 4 year old, ready for Kindergarten class. Tyler will be in school 3 days a week this year. We had a GREAT summer, but I was definitely ready for school to start. It will be a welcomed change to have a couple of hours to myself each week, horray!

Tyler dressed in shorts and a t-shirt (thanks for the cute outfit Megs & Jeff) for his first day. Today it is suppose to be 95 degrees. Loving this Indian summer. It reminds me of when I was a kid...seemed like it was always very warm in September and October...and as you can see from this picture, it looks like my flower pots have just about had it this walk by them many times a day, but didn't realize it until just now when I saw this picture. Time for some fall pansies now :)

Ma & Pa (aka Grandma Carol & Grandpa Jim) gave Tyler a new backpack and matching lunch bag for his birthday this year, thank you. He outgrew his PB Kids preschool backpack from last year. It is still in great shape - I think the PB backpacks and lunch bags are indestructible. Tyler looks so grown up in this picture to me. Where does the time go?

Well, I think I'm off to go do a little shopping while T is in school, horrayyyyyyy for school!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

213 weeks

Rappin' on the ferry ride...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

212 weeks

Future football fanatic...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend - ahhhhhh, the end of summer. It really felt like Fall this weekend. We had long sleeves and sweatshirts on almost every day.

Eric was out of town for the weekend, working at Bumpershoot. It was Mr. T & I all weekend. The weekend started off with bad colds for both of us. By Sunday we were up and able to get moving.

Sunday night Tyler and I had a date night. We ate pizza, had ice cream, played dominos, and Trouble. We also watched a Diego Movie, and had popcorn. I took a pic of Tyler eating his ice cream. Boy, was he in hog heaven!

Monday we braved the Riverfront park...and let me tell you, I had never seen so many people at the park or the Carousel. Tyler rode the Carousel 2 times, with Mom right beside him. He was pretty cute - when the carousel would start moving he'd yell "Giddy up horse." This went on for the entire ride. People were totally laughing at him (and so was I). It was cute to see him having such a great time.

After the rides, we took a picnic lunch into the park. Tyler and I decided to take a self portrait to mark the day!

School starts on the 15th for Tyler. I will once again have a couple of hours to myself every week. Hmmm, what to do with 2 hours to myself? The options seem endless at this, running errands, exercising, going for breakfast, reading the newspaper, visiting with my Mom & my Grandma...I think I'm looking forward to school starting again, as I'm sure many parents are.
This has been a really good summer for our family. We survived another beach trip, Eric's birthday, Chloe's birthday, Tyler's birthday, our 5th wedding anniversary, a major wedding (and everything that goes along with a wedding), multiple bbq's, new bikes, our yard (it actually looked really good this year I thought, thanks to the extra rain), and many family/friend get- togethers. I hope that when the kids get older they look back on the summers with great memories. I think that's one thing as a parents we'd like for our children - I just hope that when the kids are in college & they are getting ready to come home for Thanksgiving that they will be bringing their friends to our house and telling them, "you are gonna love this place, it's great..."